Thanks for writing in.
The MRI scan report is as follows.
1. Unremarkable MRI of the brain.
The brain is normal on the MRI scan
2. Specifically no CP angle mass is seen.
The CP ange is an area in the brain between the
cerebellum and pons. This is called the cerebropontine angle. Any tumor in this region causes particular clinical symptoms associated to
vertigo and loss of hearing. In your scan this area is normal.
3. Prominent midline nasopharyngeal soft tissues noted with mildly enlarged right lateral retropharyngeal lymph node. Direct visualization recommended.
This says that there is some soft tissue thickening in the posterior part of nose and mouth. There is also a lymphnode and this might indicate an infection. This is not exactly the sinus but sinus infections can cause infection in surrounding areas including the
nasopharynx. It is important to consult the
ENT specialist and know the severity of infection and take treatment. There is no comment on
sinuses in the MRI scan. Please do not worry.